From the dedicated and professional men and women of the Old Orchard Beach Police Department we would like to thank you for visiting our website.
The Town of Old Orchard Beach is a coastal resort community. We are located the furthest north in the County of York. We have a year-round population made up of approximately 10,000 residents. During the summer months we have an influx of summer residents, rentals, day tourists and overnight vacationers bringing us to as many as 100,000 visitors on any given day during our peak season.
Our Police Department has 24 sworn police officers and we have up to 20 seasonal police Officers assisting us in the summer months. We also have Community service Officers who supplement our seasonal officers and are responsible for giving directions, assisting with lost and found property, general questions and much more. We also have a fully staffed Parking enforcement division that works seasonally to enhance our newly implemented parking program: Passport parking.
We are devoted to serving our community with a deep set of core values, Honor, strength, courage, and integrity. Our vision of the service we provide is reflected in our mission statement, “ A community in Partnership.” We thrive on a healthy relationship with the citizens in our community and continue to collaborate closely with our residents and businesses as well as our visitors.
We hope that you have found our website helpful. We value the input from our community and our visitors and are committed to mutual respect and transparency.
Should you have any questions or comments please feel free to reach out to me or any of our Officers at any time. We are committed to all of you.
Chief Elise Chard