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Accessory Dwelling Unit

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Sec. 78-1272. – Accessory dwelling unit.

The purpose of the sections concerning accessory dwelling units is to provide a diversity of housing for residents while protecting the single-family character of residential neighborhoods. Accessory dwelling units are allowed as conditional uses in all residential districts and shall comply with the following conditions:

  1. The accessory dwelling unit shall be accessed via the living area of the primary structure, and all other entrances to the accessory dwelling unit shall appear subordinate to the main entrance. Any proposed additions to the main structure or accessory structures shall be designed to be subordinate in scale and mass to that of the main structure and compatible with the architectural style and quality of the main structure.
  2. The accessory dwelling unit shall have at least 500 square feet of floor area but shall not exceed 50 percent of the floor area of the main dwelling unit. Floor area measurements shall not include unfinished attic, basement or cellar spaces nor public hallways or other common areas.
  3. The dwelling shall be served by a single electrical service.
  4. Only one accessory apartment shall be permitted per lot. It shall be made part of the main residence.
  5. Accessory apartments shall not be permitted for any nonconforming structure or use, where nonconformity is due to the use of the premises, as opposed to nonconforming dimensional requirements.