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Registrar Duties

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The Registrar of Voters is the supervisor of the voter registration process, and has the following duties:

Determines voter eligibility:  Reviews each application and decides whether the voter meets registration qualifications.

Processes new applications:  Processes applications for registration and enrollment by mail and in person and enters voter information into the Central Voter Registration system (CVR) as soon as they have qualified.

Processes changes in voter information:  Processes changes in voter name or address and changes or withdrawals in enrollment as soon as possible after receipt.

Prepares and maintains the voter list and files:  Keeps the Central Voter Registration system (CVR) current at all times; keeps a voter registration file containing all voter registration documents for active and inactive voters; and conducts systematic purges at least once every 5 years (unless the State conducts a statewide purge centrally during any 5 year period).

Certifies voter status on petitions:  Certifies the registration status of signers of various petitions.

Receives training:  Attends a training session on voter registration that is approved by the Secretary of State at least once every 2 years starting January 1, 2003.

Attends caucuses:  Attends the official and biennial municipal caucus (each even-numbered year) for each qualified party one-half hour before the caucus begins.

Holds office hours:  Maintains the minimum office hours as required by law, as well as the additional hours needed to complete all duties in a timely manner.

Assists voters with alternative registration signature statement:  Upon request, assists a voter with disabilities in completing the Alternative Registration Signature Statement. If the voter is unable to appear at the registrar’s office, the registrar shall visit the voter, upon request and with reasonable notice.